Why should I use Linux?

Not only is Linux known to be a safe and stable operating system, it is also a free OS and there are many variations to choose from.

Why should I use Linux?

As is well known, the most widely used operating systems for computer devices are Windows and MacOS. Windows is very commonly used among users in Iraq, despite having a paid license, but it is highly vulnerable to viruses, malware, ransomware, and many pirated versions. Just updating Windows is very difficult and sometimes comes with a lot of obstacles. On the other hand, for MacOS users, the MacOS operating system has to be bundled with hardware (computer) and is very expensive, so there are very few users in Iraq.

An alternative that is free from computer viruses and allows for easy OS updates is Linux. Not only is Linux known to be a safe and stable operating system, it is also a free OS and there are many variations to choose from.

We're very lucky to have OS options like Linux. Linux is an open source operating system that has been around since the late 90s, which can make it the best choice for your operating system. But why should you use Linux? Here's why you should move from Windows to a more open and free alternative like Linux.

1. Linux is free

The first reason you should use Linux is that it's free. Don't assume you won't pay for the operating system you currently use. Because when you buy a desktop or laptop computer, you should know that you will incur charges that include the purchase price of the Windows license that is already installed. Not only that, but if you've ever upgraded Windows, you know that this comes at an additional cost. These inherent costs are not unique to the operating system; many applications on Windows or macOS also have associated costs.

It's different if you use Linux. Linux is completely free, and so are thousands of applications. Instead of paying for MS Office, you can install LibreOffice on Linux or Open Office directly from your distribution's app store. Looking for a free Photoshop alternative? Try GIMP. And when you upgrade your Linux distribution, it doesn't cost you a dime.largely Linux distribution There are no fees.

2. Linux is flexible

If you've been using Windows or macOS for a while, you probably think it's your home or your partner's home. There are very few adjustments that can be made. For users who prefer to work in a more unique way, that is of course a limitation.

Fortunately, Linux allows you to customize the operating system to suit your needs. Don't like the GNOME desktop? Use KDE. If you don't like the look and feel of GNOME, use extensions to change it. If you don't like where your Xfce panel is placed, move it. The customization possibilities are almost unlimited. And many of these customizations are very easy to manage (so you don't have to be an avid Linux user). In the end, you'll be able to work the way you want rather than using an Apple or Microsoft-friendly operating system.

3. Linux is safe

By design, Linux is much more secure than Windows or macOS. Sure, you can still run into viruses, malware, and ransomware when using Linux, but the number is much smaller, and in fact, many users often say they don't need Linux. antivirus software Same as Windows and MacOS. This alone should be enough to make you want to migrate away from your current operating system. Many experts believe this is because Linux has a much smaller market share and is therefore not as targeted as Windows or macOS.

However, you should know that the use of Linux is widespread in enterprise-level businesses. Big companies like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Google all rely on Linux. Linux users have felt safe for decades without ever experiencing a single security issue. What this means is that you are far less likely to run into security issues with Linux than with Windows or macOS. Please note that no operating system is 100% secure. Although Linux is known to be very secure, you must be judicious in its use.

And you should know that most computer servers are similar. web server Using the Linux operating system proves that Linux is very secure and stable. There are fewer concerns when using Linux as a server than when using a different OS for the server.

4. Linux is reliable

The next reason why you should use Linux is that it is a stable and reliable OS as many users find that problems with Linux are very rare. Even if an application crashes, Linux does not lock up the entire system (as Windows does). Even better, if such a situation occurs, you can close the offending application from the command line using a so-called virtual console (or terminal). Closing stopped applications allows you to use your computer again smoothly without having to shut it down. This is not possible on Windows. Even with that feature, applications on Linux are very robust and rarely crash. Say goodbye to the blue screen of death or white screen of death that often occurs on Windows.

5. User-friendly Linux

In the late 90s and early 2000s, Linux had the drawback of being extremely difficult to install and use. Only super nerds can claim it as their own. If you are not studying computer science, this operating system can be very difficult to use and you may face many obstacles when using it.

But now it is different. Modern Linux operating systems are easy to install on your desktop or laptop computer and are just as easy as using Windows or macOS. Anyone can install and operate Linux. Especially if you use Ubuntu Linux, Linux Mint, Elementary OS, or Deepin Linux, it feels just like Windows.

6. Linux is easy to upgrade

Speaking of upgrades, an update screen appears every time you start (or restart) Windows. If so, you will naturally be very anxious and hope that the update will not make your computer stop or stop working, or cause a so-called hang. Upgrading is very easy on Linux. Also, unlike Windows, which seems to need to be restarted every time an application is updated, Linux only needs to be restarted when the kernel is updated. All applications, daemons, and services can be updated on Linux machines without requiring a reboot. Linux machines are known for their ability to run software without rebooting. And with technologies like Ubuntu live patching, kernel updates don't force you to reboot your machine.

7. Linux support is easy to find

When you have a problem with Linux, where do you go for help? Fortunately, there are many online forums, groups, and mailing lists dedicated to helping users solve their problems, all of which are free and easy to use. It doesn't cost any money. Sites like Ask Ubuntu, Linux Mint Forums, and Ask Fedora are great places to ask questions and find answers. In fact, almost every Linux distribution offers a dedicated help form or mailing list for users to help each other solve problems. Also, since this community is dedicated to open source (and Linux adoption), the forums are generally very friendly and helpful.

8. Linux is compatible with older hardware

The final reason to use Linux is because it is compatible with older computer hardware. With Windows and macOS, you may find yourself having to purchase new hardware every time you upgrade to a new version of your operating system. This can also be called planned obsolescence. If you're using Linux, you won't find it. In fact, there are many Linux distributions that are specifically designed to work well with older hardware. Distributions like Peppermint OS, Lubuntu, Linux Lite, and Bodhi Linux all work well on older hardware. So not only do you save money, but you also save the environment (by not having to throw out your computer hardware every five years).