Email Verification, a tool to verify emails

This time, I will explain what Linux and Windows are. validator email or Email checker?

Email Verification, a tool to verify emails

Hey Linux lovers, I'm not going to talk about Linux or Windows this time. This time, I will explain what Linux and Windows are. validator email or Email checker?

What is email checker/verifier?

Email Checker or Email Verifier is a tool for checking email validation. This tool allows you to easily check if your email is on the server. This email checker/verifier has three responses for each result.

- Valid: This valid response means that the email was actually verified and the result is OK.

- Invalid: This invalid response means that the email does not meet common email syntax requirements or that the email does not exist on the server.

- Unknown: An unknown response means we cannot determine whether the email address is on the email server. This occurs if you have an unresponsive e-mail server.

Website email verification

If you would like to use this email verification or email checker tool, please visit the following website: email checker.netthe result will be OK if the email meets the validation requirements.

Implementing the email verification API in Python

We will also tell you how to use the API from the website. Implement it in Python code. The Python used here is Python version 3, so if you are still using Python version 2, this example will not work. Before contributing your source code, make sure you have the requests Python module installed.

import request

user = input("Email: ") # Prompt user for email

r = request.get("", params={'email': user}) # Send a request to the API

status = r.json()('status') # Read response status code

If status == "enabled":

print(f"{user} - OK")

other than that:

print(f"{user} - bad")

Here we read the valid status and anything other than valid. Therefore, if valid, it will generate an OK response. On the other hand, if the response is anything other than valid, whether invalid or unknown, the tool will generate his BAD response.

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