What is MOC to play music on Linux terminal?

Hello Linuxers, today I will show you how to play music on your Linux terminal. First, let's explain what MOC (Music On Console) is, and then explain

What is MOC to play music on Linux terminal?

Hello Linuxers, today I will show you how to play music on your Linux terminal. First, let's explain what MOC (Music On Console) is, and then explain how to install MOC.

What is MOC (Music on Console)?

MOC or Music On Console is an ncurses-based on-console audio player for Linux/UNIX. MOC is designed to be powerful and easy to use, requiring just one command.

How to install MOC (Music On Console)

Open terminal with shortcut CTRL+Alt+TIf you want to continue, enter the following command:

$ sudo apt-get install moc -y

Wait until the installation is complete, then enter the following command to continue.

$ sudo apt-get install moc-ffmpeg-plugin -y

This command is for installing the plugins required by MOC. Once the plugin installation is complete, continue running the MOC by typing the following command:


To play a song, you need to select the folder that contains the playlist of songs you want to play later, as follows:

Direct MOC options as follows: ../ Using the arrow keys on your keyboard, point up and press Enter to select the song's playlist folder. If you don't have one yet, create one first.

Some shortcuts for MOC:

1. h - Check shortcut list in MOC (small h does not use Capslock)

2. Enter - select song

3. Shift+T - Change the theme of the MOC player and change the theme.

4. s - stop the song that is playing (little s does not use Capslock)

5. Q - Exit MOC player

6. R - Repeat the song (Repeat) (R uses Capslock)

7. g - search for songs (small g does not use Capslock)

If you want to see a more complete shortcut, just press "h" on your keyboard.

How to remove MOC player

$ sudo apt-get Remove --auto-remove moc -y

That's all for this discussion on MOC Player.I'm more or less sorry, thank you