SEO explanation for beginners 2023: SEO will bring you to the top of search results

SEO explanation for beginners 2023: SEO will bring you to the top of search results

SEO explanation for beginners 2023: SEO will bring you to the top of search results

SEO explanation for beginners 2023: SEO will bring you to the top of search results

What is the best way to generate search results? andWhat is SEO? ? and How to appear higher in search results ?
and how to do it Improve your website SEO ?
Will the search results affect anything... Admission to Google AdSense ?

Everyone who has a website cares only about appearing on the first page of Google's search results.
However, this problem is somewhat difficult, since it requires some kind of sacrifice of time and serious effort.
But in the end you will be satisfied with the result and you will get a good result.

This matter is called SEO Improve the SEO of your website pages
Backlinks help your site appear first in search results, increasing your revenue.

This topic provides a comprehensive definition of SEO and what it is.
Let me explain what a backlink is.

Raise How to improve SEO How can I get my website pages to rank higher in search results?
Just read the article till the end to understand the details

and we will strive to achieve it SEO terms and Learn SEO and abbreviations SEO course And the latest rules are SEO 2023
to do Google search results are displayed and Improve your SEO on your site

Explaining SEO to be displayed at the top of Google search results for beginners

  • What does it mean to appear at the top of search results?

First, when you open a website, all of your goals are: Adsense approval Or, approve your request to become a Google AdSense partner.
and place an ad on your site
However, once you are ready to display ads on your site, you will find that this problem is quite simple.
Another goal appears before you. How to appear higher in Google search results .

If one day your website page appears in the first search results, know that your work hasn't disappeared.

The display of search results is indescribably beautiful. Know that people searching on search engines only enter the first page. Users typically find requests in the first three search results for her. If you find what you're looking for, you can access the first 10 results for her, but no more.

If your site is there, know that your visitors will not stop visiting your site.
However, many people are fighting behind the scenes over this issue.

SEO explanation for beginners: How to rank high in search results? What is SEO?

SEO is fundamental, and if you follow it, your website pages will appear first in search results.
In other words, you're preparing your site to appear in the first search results.

If you want to rank high in search results, you need to:

When writing an article, the number of characters in it should exceed 1,500 characters, which is necessary in order to be in the forefront.
I'm not saying you should write a big whole article about this.
It is only occasionally that you need to include this amount of words to improve your site's SEO.

Something even more important, maybe even the most important.It is the title of the article, meaning the title you give to the article
Due to its popularity with search engines, it is more accurate to have a title of 60 characters or less.

For example, let's say you wrote an article about improving SEO.
Must be written in the title ( The best way to improve your site's SEO )
( How to improve your site's SEO ).
That is, people prefer to search using the following words: better, faster, better, how, stronger.

Examples include:

The best way to generate search results

How to display search results

The most powerful way to generate search results

And many examples like How to improve your website's SEO 2023

SEO explanation for beginners ~High-quality content creation~

We are certain that visitors are looking for content that is useful to them.

If your visitors can't find what they want, they'll quickly leave your site, damaging your site.

Because bounce rate changes

This tells Google that your site is not useful to visitors.

Since it is not useful to the visitor, the article will not be ranked higher and will be placed at the back of the search page.

However, if you want to create high-quality and useful content for your visitors,

This allows visitors to stay on your site longer

Google knows that your site is useful to its visitors and shows it at the top of search results.

Explaining SEO for beginners by dividing the article content

Your site should be easy to read for your visitors.

When you write an article, why not enter the article as a visitor and see if you can understand what you have written?

Or did it make things even more difficult for readers, making the content of the article incomprehensible? ,

When writing an article, you need to divide the content into titles, subheadings, and subheadings.

Be careful not to just cram in too many words, as readers will get bored and leave the site quickly.

Explaining SEO using external and internal links for beginners

What is an external link?

These are links to get information while writing the article.

It's impossible to bring in this much information yourself, so everyone outsources it.

If you outsource, leave an external link to the source

This increases your site's credibility on Google, especially if these sources are known and trusted.

What are internal links?

While writing an article, you may come across a topic that has been previously discussed in another article.

To strengthen your site's internal links, you can place internal links to its articles.

Explaining SEO for beginners and improving the image of your website

To have good images on your site you need to compress them

And make it in Google's preferred format i.e. Webp format

You can also include keywords in your images, which will appear in the first search results for image searches.

Explaining SEO for beginners and creating introductory explanations search

Search descriptions are very important when writing articles because they appear below the article title in search engines like Google.

That's why you need to include some keywords

SEO explanation for beginners, building backlinks (backlinks)

One of the most important things for your site to rank high in Google search results is to build backlinks to your site, especially if they are from older, well-known and trusted sites. This will help your site rank higher. This is because it increases search engines' trust in your site and can even lower your website's Alexa ranking.

We will explain SEO for beginners and the relationship between keywords and high rankings in search results.

How do keywords help with rankings?

Articles with strong keywords are considered to rank higher in search engines.
To increase the reputation of your article, you should include keywords in the title and description
This will convince Google to show your site in the first search results.

When writing articles, do not write randomly.
Every word of the article should be placed properly so that the article is useful for the visitor
And since you will be ranked high in the results, you will have to erase from your mind the idea that ``writing is the important thing.''
Rather, you need to follow and achieve all SEO standards to rank high in search results.

Explaining SEO for Beginners Where should I look for keywords?

This is easier than you think, to get keywords,
All you have to do is visit Google AdWords, sign up for free, and track the statistics of your most popular keywords.

We know that adhering to these conditions is important in order to appear at the top of search results.
However, to keep search engine visitors on your site for longer, you need to make sure your site is useful to them.

To achieve this adjustment, you must join the site.

It's like buying a .com domain to look professional.
Create professional templates to quickly adapt to all devices.

We will explain in an easy-to-understand way what a template is, what is the difference between professional and free templates, and which one is better.
What does a domain mean? How can I get a free domain or a professional domain?

SEO explanation for beginners: Let your site visitors know about your site

  • What are templates and what are their benefits?

Templates are the look and feel of your website and help you grab the attention of your visitors.
Also, to stay on your site longer, it is better to use professional templates instead of free ones.
Because unlike professional templates, which come with a warranty because you bought them yourself, you will find many problems with free templates.

The free templates are professional and can be used without any problems.
I gave a different explanation earlier free blogger template.

Explaining SEO for beginners, what is a domain and why is it important?

Now that we know what a template means, let's explain what a domain means.
A domain is one of the external characteristics that proves a website's professionalism.

A domain is the name that consists of the lowercase letters that follow the site name. For example:
.com is the website domain

Although this is a common domain, these domains are not free.
Rather, you have to pay to get it.
It is true that there is free domain However, it does not bring any benefits and only brings problems to your website.

What are the best selling domains?
Since the domain sales company's inception, the best-selling domain has been the .com domain. This is because it represents the professionalism of your website and is easy for visitors to save.

SEO explained for beginners from domain types

Domains are diverse and cannot be counted in a single number, but the most well-known and, of course, specialized types are:

com is the most famous and well-known, widely used by commercial companies and recommended for use in your own projects as well.
Organization, which is intended for public and government organizations.
Edu for educational institutions and institutions.
Mil is exclusive to the military class.

Only one domain can be used for each name
You cannot reserve domains with the same name. example:
This is impossible and impossible

However, two similar domains can be reserved as follows:

Explaining the mechanism of SEO for beginners

Some views say that a domain does not work on its own, as it needs to be linked to hosting.
Changing your DNS address from your domain control panel will link your domain to your hosting.

Note: Blogger offers free hosting forever, so you don't need to buy hosting.
As for WordPress, you need to purchase hosting and the price is a bit high.

Once your domain is linked, you can now display the content stored within your hosting to your visitors.