Free OWASP course 2023

OWASP stand for Open Web Application Security Project, is a non-profit organization that provides practical information about web application security
Free OWASP course 2023

OWASP course

OWASP, which stands for Open Web Application Security Project, is a non-profit organization that provides practical information about web application security.

The OWASP Top 10 project was updated in 2017 to provide developers and security professionals with guidance for the most important vulnerabilities commonly found in web applications. These 10 items mentioned in this course are very dangerous because they allow attackers and hackers to exploit and gain access.


  • Injection
    • SQL injection
    • LDAP injection
    • CSRF injection
    • Application Security Testing
  • Broken Authentication and Session Management
    • Multi-factor Authentication
  • Sensitive Data Exposure
    • Encryption of data at rest and in transit
  • XML External Entity
    • Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
  • Broken Access Control
    • Dynamic Application Security Testing
  • Cross-Site Scripting
    • Developer Training Complements Security Testing
  • Insecure Deserialization
    • Application Security Tools can detect Deserialization Flaws
  • Using Components With Known Vulnerability
    • Software Composition Analysis
  • Insufficient Logging and Monitoring
    • Think like an attacker

Research shows that software continues to engage in issues raised in the OWASP project. One of the reasons for this is that developers are not well trained in cyber security and secure encryption practices. Security teams also have misconceptions about application security. Professionals should note that penetration testing is not just about using commercial programs and using the scan button.e


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