What is Doxing?

What is doxing, the effects of exposure to doxing, why doxing is dangerous, targets of doxing, and how to prevent exposure to doxing.

A thorough investigation into Doxing and how to prevent it

Hello, I will explain in detail. documentation what is doxing, the effects of exposure to doxing, why doxing is dangerous, targets of doxing, and how to prevent exposure to doxing.

What is doxxing?

From Wikipedia Doxing or doxxing is the Internet-based practice of researching and publicly disseminating private information about a person or organization.

What are the effects of exposure to Doxing?

When we are exposed to doxing, there are various effects. The effects are:
- Insult, defamation, terrorism, anxiety, harassment, embarrassment, etc.

Why is Doxing dangerous?

Doxxing is very easy to do when someone reveals too much of their personal information on the internet, such as on social media or blogs. Doxing is dangerous because it reveals someone's personal information.

Targets used to doxing

Targets used include mobile phone numbers, emails, Facebook accounts, Twitter accounts, Instagram accounts, home addresses, bank accounts, WhatsApp contacts, family data, etc.

How to prevent doxxing

  1. Don't reveal your identity on social media
  2. Avoid verified social media
  3. Privacy of your social media accounts, privacy from friends and information about you on social media
  4. Avoid communicating with strangers
  5. Use strict passwords that contain information about personal data.
  6. Do not share your real name, home address, WhatsApp number, email address, bank account, family data, or verified social media accounts with strangers.

This may be the end of this discussion. See you in the next article